The University of Hong Kong



Notice of Ordinary General Meeting 2009

Members of HKU Convocation  are invited to attend the Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) of Convocation to be held on Monday, June 22, 2009, at 6:15 pm at Senior Common Room, 14/F KK Leung Building, The University of Hong Kong (Map) .


The OGM will be followed by a talk by Dr CUI Li, Head (External), Hong Kong Monetary Authority, entitled “RMB, Present and Future”. Details about the speaker and talk, please click here.


Please register (download registration form / online registration ).

Order of Business
Minutes of Ordinary General Meeting held on June 26, 2008
Election of Members to Standing Committee of Convocation 2009

Proposed Revised Rules of Convocation



Order of Business

1.          To receive and confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held on June 26, 2008.

2.          To receive a report from the Chairman.

3.          To discuss questions (if any) from members the notices of which have been received by the Clerk of Convocation not later than June 15, 2009.

4.          To elect members to the Standing Committee.

5.          To discuss and, if thought fit, sanction the continuation of or remove the office of Ms LAU Pui Shan Anny who has been appointed to fill a casual vacancy on the Standing Committee until Ordinary General Meeting 2010, under Paragraph 31 of Convocation Constitution.

6.          To consider and, if thought fit, approve a set of proposed amendments to paragraphs 5, 6 and 39 of Rules of Convocation.

7.          Any business which the Chairman considers urgent and directs to be transacted without notice thereof being given.


Members are cordially invited to attend the OGM.


Members may attend the OGM in person or by proxy. The instrument appointing a proxy must be in writing, signed by the member appointing the proxy and deposited with the Clerk of Convocation before 6:15 pm on Friday, June 19, 2009.


Teresa Tong

Chairman of Convocation

June 1, 2009

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Minutes of Ordinary General Meeting held on June 26, 2008


An Ordinary General Meeting of Convocation was held on June 26, 2008 at 6:45 pm at the Global Lounge, Ground Floor, Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre, The University of Hong Kong.

49 members of Convocation were present at the meeting.

1.    The Meeting CONFIRMED the Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held on June 28, 2007.

2.    The Meeting RECEIVED a report from the Chairman on Convocation issues in the year 2007-2008.

3.    The Meeting ELECTED the following members to the Standing Committee for a term of three years, commencing immediately following the close of the Ordinary General Meeting in 2008 until the Ordinary General Meeting in 2011:

Mr FUNG Ho Keung, Andrew 馮可強 (BA 1969, DipEd 1972)
Mr KUET Shun Cheong, Andrew
闕順昌 (BSocSc 1987)
Ms LEONG Sin Ling, Betty
梁羨靈 (BA 1987)
Mr LO Chi Ming, Jimmy
盧志明 (BSc 1969)
Mr MAN Cheuk Fei
文灼非 (BA 1987)
Mr SIT Hoi Wah, Kenneth
薛海華 (LLB 1980, PCLL 1981)
Mr TONG Chun Wan
唐振寰 (BA(ArchStud) 1975, BArch 1977)
Mr WAN Chung On, John
溫頌安 (BSc 1970, MBuddhStud 2007)

4.    The Committee SANCTIONED the continuation of the office of Mr LI Wai Ip Philip 李偉業 (LLB 1981, PCLL 1982) who was appointed to fill a casual vacancy in the Standing Committee until Ordinary General Meeting 2009, under Paragraph 31 of Convocation Constitution.


5.     The Meeting CONSIDERED and APPROVED by resolution a set of proposed amendments to the Constitution and Rules of Convocation, which would take effect following the close of the meeting.

6.     The Meeting WAS ADJOURNED at 7:25 pm and was followed by the Convocation dinner and speech by Mr YAU Lop-Poon.

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Election of Members to Standing Committee of Convocation 2009


In accordance with the Constitution and Rules of Convocation, nominations were invited by notice published in the Convocation Newsletter for the election of eight members to the Standing Committee.

By the published closing time at 5:00pm, May 18, 2009, the following nominations have been received (listed in alphabetical order of the candidates’ surnames):


Mr CHOI Sau-yuk 蔡秀煜 (BSocSc 1972)

Mr LAI Chun-hung Alex 賴振鴻 (BScEng 1985)

Dr Ng Hon Victor 吳瀚 (BEng[EEE] 1999)


As the nominations are less than the vacancies, in accordance with Paragraph 42 of Convocation Rules, the above-mentioned candidates will be declared to be elected ipso facto at the coming Ordinary General Meeting to be held on June 22, 2009.

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Proposed Revised Rules of Convocation

(for approval at the Ordinary General Meeting 2009)


Explanatory Notes to Proposed Amendments to Rules of Convocation Tabled at Ordinary General Meeting on June 22, 2009


1.                  The Standing Committee presents amendments to paragraphs 5, 6 and 39 of the Rules of Convocation.  The proposed amendments are shown in the draft revised Constitution and Rules.


2.                  At paragraph 5 of the Rules, amendments are proposed to clarify the provisions for service of notices of general meeting on members by post, e-mail and fax. Also, amendments are proposed to permit service of those notices by advertisement in Convocation newsletter and posting in Convocation website.


3.                  At paragraph 6 of the Rules, amendments are proposed to clarify the effective times of different methods of service of notice of general meeting.


4.                  At paragraph 39 of the Rules, amendments are proposed to permit notice of Standing Committee vacancies with invitation for nominations to be served by personal delivery, post, e-mail, fax, advertisement and website posting, rather than only Convocation newsletter advertisement.


5.                  The Standing Committee invites members to approve the proposed amendments.



Kenneth Sit

Clerk of Convocation

May 27, 2009

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