The University of Hong Kong
Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting
Tuesday, 1 September 2015, 7:00 pm
Hall 3G, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre,
Wanchai (Entry at Harbour Road)
An Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) of Convocation will be held on Tuesday, 1 September 2015 at 7:00 pm in Hall 3G, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wanchai (Entry at Harbour Road).
Members of Convocation are cordially invited to attend the meeting.
This EGM is convened, pursuant to paragraph 3 of the Rules of Convocation, at three written requests, each from not less than 20 Members and were received by the Chairman of Convocation on 21 July 2015 and 5 August 2015 respectively.
Order of Business
1. To confirm the Minutes of the last Ordinary General Meeting held on 25 June 2015 (document: Appendix A)
2. To discuss the following as set out in the requisition from The Hon IP Kin Yuen (BA 1984) and 23 other members dated 18 July 2015 and received by Chairman of Convocation on 21 July 2015 (Full submission of the requisition is set out in Appendix B):
“To consider and if it thinks fit, to pass the following resolutions:
(a) This convocation is of the view that The University Council should, in accordance with established procedures and precedents, confirm the recommendation made by the Search Committee for the appointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic Staffing and Resources) within 30 days from today and failing that, should provide written reasons and justification for their delay and their decision to the Convocation and members of the public.
(b) This convocation is of the view that The University of Hong Kong Ordinance and all consequential provisions including the University rules and regulations should be amended such that the Chief Executive shall not be the Chancellor and chief officer of the University.
(c) This convocation is of the view that in the alternative to (b), the University of Hong Kong Ordinance and all consequential provisions including the University rules and regulations should be amended such that the role of the Chief Executive as the Chancellor of the University shall only be ceremonial.
(d) The Convocation shall set up a working party for the implementation of resolutions (b) and/or (c) above.”
3. To discuss the following as set out in the requisition from 32 members dated and received by the Chairman of Convocation on 5 August 2015 (Full submission of the requisition is set out in Appendix C):
“To consider and if it thinks fit, pass the following as a resolution:
That the Convocation of the University of Hong Kong is of the like view and do support and endorse the Joint Statement dated 30 July 2015 issued by the Deans of all ten faculties of the University of Hong Kong, a copy of which is attached to this motion/resolution.” (please refer to Appendix C for the attachment)
4. To discuss the following as set out in the requisition from Miss CHANG Wan Ki, Gloria (BSocSc 2001) and 19 other members dated 4 August 2015 and received by Chairman of Convocation on 5 August 2015 (Full submission of the requisition is set out in Appendix D):
“To request the following motion be adopted:
That the post of Chairman of the Council of University of Hong Kong must be filled by a candidate who is acceptable to the members of its teaching and non-academic staff as well as students.”
Standing Committee of Convocation
7 August 2015
Standing Orders
Convocation members attending the EGM are advised to register in advance. Online registration ( is open now and will close at 6:00 pm, Friday, 28 August 2015.
Members who have not registered in advance should note that verification on site will take longer time and may cause delay in admission to the EGM.
Please read the Important Notes on Conduct of the Meeting.
Appointment of Proxy
In accordance with the Convocation Constitution and Rules, in matters where decisions by voting are required, votes may be given either in person or by proxy. Proxy forms can be obtained from the Convocation Secretariat, c/o Development & Alumni Affairs Office, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong (Tel: 3917-1706) or downloaded from the Convocation website (
The instrument appointing a proxy must be in writing under the hand of the appointor and must be deposited with the Clerk of Convocation (c/o Development and Alumni Affairs Office) by 6:00 pm, Friday, 28 August 2015.
A proxy must be a member of Convocation. Please refer to the Notes on Proxy Form.