HKU Convocation Extraordinary General Meeting
Voting Results
HKU Convocation Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) was held on 1 September 2015 at Hall 3G, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. This EGM was convened, pursuant to the Constitution & Rules of Convocation, at three written requests with a total of 6 motions, received by the Chairman of Convocation. HKU Convocation engaged BDO Limited to conduct an independent counting of votes.
Number of HKU Convocation Members: 162,000
Number of HKU Convocation Members entitled to vote present or by proxy ("Registered Voters") at this EGM: 9,298
HKU Convocation Rule 19 provides that all resolutions or motions which may be put to vote at a general meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members entitled to vote present in person or by proxy. Therefore, any resolution or motion shall be passed upon receiving 4,650 or more votes which are voted FOR that resolution or motion.
Voting was conducted for 6 motions. The numbers of votes for each motion are provided by BDO Limited.
香港大學畢業生議會特別會議已於2015年9月1日假香港會議展覽中心 Hall 3G舉行, 是次特別會議根據香港大學畢業生議會憲章及議事規則, 在議會主席收到三個書面申請(共六項動議)後召開, 並委託香港立信德豪會計師事務所有限公司(BDO Limited) 為大會進行獨立點票。
香港大學畢業生議會會員人數: 162,000
出席是次特別會議之有投票權的會員及已授權投票的會員: 9,298
根據香港大學畢業生議會議事規則第19條, 所有決議或動議必須得到出席大會之有投票權的會員人數和授權票的總和之大多數才可通過。因此, 是次大會的任何決議或動議必須得到 4,650 或以上的贊成票才獲通過。
大會就六項動議進行投票, 並由香港立信德豪會計師事務所有限公司 (BDO Limited) 點算及提供票數結果, 包括: 贊成票 (Voted FOR); 反對票 (Voted AGAINST); 棄權票 (Voted ABSTAIN); 廢票 (Votes VOIDED); 出席(包括授權票) 而沒有投票(Present (proxy/proxies included) but not voted)