Extraordinary General Meeting
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
1. If you are unable or do not intend to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting, you may, by a duly completed and signed written instrument, appoint a proxy who shall be a Convocation member, to vote at the meeting on your behalf. You may obtain the proxy form from the office of the Convocation Secretariat, c/o Development and Alumni Affairs Office, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong (Tel: 3917 1706) or the Convocation website (www.convocation.hku.hk).
2. A proxy form must be duly signed, completed, and deposited with the Clerk of Convocation before 6:00 pm on 28 August 2015 via the Convocation Secretariat during office hours (9:00 am – 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday).
3. A proxy form is invalid if:
(a) it is received late at the Convocation Secretariat, i.e. after 6:00 pm on 28 August 2015;
(b) it is torn, defaced or otherwise damaged on receipt by the Convocation Secretariat;
(c) it is sent to the Convocation Secretariat by fax or email;
(d) it does not bear an original signature and not dated;
(e) there exists another proxy form under the same member; or
(f) any part of it is incomplete or contains inaccurate or unverifiable information.
4. The records of the Convocation Secretariat shall be conclusive as to the receipt and accuracy of proxy forms.